Monday, March 14, 2011

Back up your Facebook or Twitter account with SocialSafe

SocialSafe Explanation .. Introducing Wall Backups from Pascal Wheeler on Vimeo.

Have you ever wondered what you would do if your Facebook account was hacked and you lost everything?
Protect your photos and posts with SocialSafe currently for $6.99 using a PayPal account.  You can back up your contacts, profile, photos and posts on your computer hard drive and another device to browse later without needing to be on the internet.

 Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBase
As you back up regularly, you will be able to explore your time line of updates, friends, and photos and watch how you and your friends change over time. SocialSafe (@SocialSafe on Twitter) has just recently added Twitter back ups.  If you want to learn more about SocialSafe, visit:

Backup & Save Facebook Account Data with SocialSafe (Binary Head)

SocialSafe: Get Your Facebook Data Out of Facebook (Mashable)

SocialSafe adds Twitter back-ups - we have giveaways (

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Backup your tweets with TweetScan

TweetScan Home

It is quick and easy to create a backup of all your Twitter messages at TweetScan.  Create an archive of all your full archive or select
  • Your Tweets
  • Friends Tweets
  • Direct messages
  • @Replies
  • Followers Tweets
  • Favorite Tweets

TweetScan will download the latest 1000 tweets from Twitter for free and you can read them offline from your browser.
1.  Got to TweetScan.
2.  Click on Twitter Backup on the bottom of the page.

3.  Enter your email to receive a download link.
4.  Agree to Terms and Conditions.
5.  You will receive a backup link that will remain active for 7 days.
6.  Click finish.
7.  Check your email
8.  Click on the link in the email to download the .zip file.
9.  You can save the .zip files or extract them and save in a different format.

We will continue to share ways you can archive Facebook and Twitter messages.  In the next post, we will share a tool for archiving Facebook messages, photos, activity, friends, and more!